Flavor is health and delicious. The herbs and spices we use for cooking not only flavor our meals, they offer immense health benefits as well. #Oregano is a perfect example. It is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. The oil contains compounds called #phenols, #terpenes and terpenoids, which have powerful antioxidant properties and are responsible for that familiar Italian food aroma.
The beneficial properties of this amazing oil are almost too numerous to mention but here are a few that have been reported. People have found relief from seasonal allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, urinary tract disorders, headaches, and heart conditions. Oral consumption in pill form can abate intestinal parasites, sinus pain, arthritis, cold and flu, swine flu, earaches, and fatigue. You can also receive great benefits from seasoning that pasta dish with the fresh herb.
Oregano oil can be taken orally, diffused in steam and inhaled, or diluted and applied to the skin for the treatment of numerous topical issues. The beneficial properties are so strong, it is suggested to only take for a three-month period then stop for three months before starting again. If you suffer from allergies or any other of the listed issues and don’t do well on pharmaceuticals, take a farm-a-ceutical!