One of the biggest issues our bodies face is our food combinations. We hardly speak of it and where it is most left out is the big diet trends such as Paleo and Keto and almost all restaurant menus.
Our entire focus is on meat first, starch second then everything else. This is not our best effort and does not serve our bodies well. We really do not need to eat animal proteins three to five times a day, but rather three to five times a week.
To better care for our bodies, focus on vegetables first. They offer micro-nutrients that we need as the plants draw them from the soil and since half of our evolution was before fire, we were ‘born’ to consume vegetation for our sustainability.
Being one DNA strand away from plants, our digestive track was designed for plants so we will not fully develop the digestive process for heavy consumption of animal proteins.
The best way to consume a truly healthy diet is to be plant-based Paleo. Mostly veg (not starch) then pseudo grains and legumes, adding in raw seeds and nuts then topping with a small portion of clean, free-range, small locally farmed, grub and grass-fed animal proteins three to five times a week. Give this concept a try and see how you lighten your body and your budget!